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Embrace | Overcome | Create Your Life

Terri K. Lankford, LPC, NCC, LCAS
Mar 19, 20184 min read
You Are What You Eat : Setting Intentions Series Part III
Did you get that budget done from last week??? I HOPE SO. We are on a ROLL in this series of the Top 4 intentions that I see benefit my...

Terri K. Lankford, LPC, NCC, LCAS
Dec 22, 20174 min read
Routine… Ruin Everything OR Rule The World?
There seems to be two major types of people in the world, or at least that come into my office, and they become easily identifiable when...

LaTanya Moore, Ph.D, LMFT & Terri K. Lankford
Oct 16, 20175 min read
Who Do You Call When You’re Sad, Excited, or Sh*t Just Hit The Fan?
In the past week few weeks @thedrmoore and I have been chatting and she mentioned that she’s always said “you have to know who to tell...

Terri K. Lankford, LPC, NCC, LCAS
Oct 4, 20174 min read
#WhatWeEatWednesday : Avocado, Fashion Food or Brain Fuel?
Oh, Avocados… You can pretty much find them on any menu these days. They’re on your salads, your burger, deep fried, and the most...
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