Website Comment Policy
We welcome your comments on the Rise & Thrive Counseling Embrace|Overcome|Create Your Life blog. The purpose of our blog is to provide useful information on relevant topics and your constructive feedback and experiences are useful to our readers.
By adding a comment to the Rise & Thrive Counseling site, you agree to the terms of this comment policy. Violations of the policy may result in editing or deletion of comments.
Moderation. All comments by anonymous users are moderated. Please be patient awaiting moderation. To avoid initial moderation of comments, create an account. This will also allow automatic notification of replies comments.
Stay On Topic. Please keep comments relevant to the topic of the blog post.
Length. Comments should be brief and to the point. For long replies, please post them to your own blog and provide a link and brief synopsis here, or inquire about Guest Blogging.
Language. This is a professional web site; thus comments are expected to be professional in language and tone. I reserve the right to edit comments for grammar and other language issues.
Opposing Opinions. I welcome comments and encourage sharing of experiences even when our opinions or experiences differ. Readership benefits from a range of opinions. Professionally expressed opinions are welcome on the site.
Email Address. All commenters, including anonymous ones, must provide a valid email address, which will not be displayed with comments, and will only be used if necessary to contact you about your comment.
Links. Provide relevant links within comments as appropriate. However, we reserve the right to edit all links within comments including any links which are invalid, irrelevant or offensive. We reserve the right to determine what qualifies as offensive. Do not post comments lacking substance (i.e. "great post", "ditto", "Check this out", etc.) simply to pass along a link. Such comments will be deemed spam and deleted.
Legal Responsibility. Each author remains responsible for the legal and other consequences of his or her comments.
Violations. We reserve the right to edit and/or delete comments at our discretion. Further we reserve the right to delete accounts and/or block email addresses at our discretion.
Comments on this site may not only been seen by our readers but may also be cataloged by search engines.
See Also: Terms of Service, Privacy Policy