About Last Friday Night... That Time I Met Jen Sincero!!

I met Jen Sincero!!!!!!
Who the heck is that?! You might ask...
She's this lady who came into my life about 2.5 years ago at the urging of my then team.
"You HAVE to read this book!" and so I did. And with that being my second personal development book ever started my journey down the PD rabbit hole.
You see, It's CRAZY that I'd never picked up a book like this because I am a self proclaimed Book Nerd!
I've been reading every since I (and my mom) can remember... But typically I stayed in the Fiction Genres. From Babysitter's Club and Goosebumps to ALL, yes ALL of the Anne Rice Vampire Novels in my teens and the Harry Potter and much more into my adult years. Currently, I'm making my way through Game of Thrones.
But you see, I was missing out of this big, wide world. That section of SELF HELP you don't want anyone to "mistakenly" see you in.... Well, I strut my stuff right on over to that section these days.
And THIS. This woman, along with Darren Hardy's The Compound Effect, started on my path of enlightenment. She helped me, and many of my clients, start to see things a little differently. To Badass It Up, Level Up, and Get in Alignment with The Universe (or whatever you personally prefer to call it).

So imagine my delight when a client sent me an email saying this lady would be in the RDU! Well, sign me up!
So I sent that message out to 2 of my best gal pals/therapist friends and we were off!
(@thedrmoore & @Gracefullybalancedcounseling)
My Takeaways from Jen Sincero in the RDU

💫 You have a choice. With your Words. With your Focus. With your Reactions. Make it SKILL to make choices
💫YOU ARE GOING TO DIE Live Your Life Like It.
💫You are an Energetic Creature living in an Energetic Universe. When you shift your energy it shifts everything =ripple effect!!!
💫 a Reaction is knee jerk. Be in Response Mode: stop, give yourself a moment, then response. A Responsible Adult Responds
💫Awareness is first key!!
💫Act as if you’re already living in your new reality :

What is your energy? What do you feel? What do you taste?
Then Notice all the ways IT IS ALREADY here!💣
💫 Don’t focus on all the proof of your negative scripts.
🌟 Stop building the foundation of that reality and start building foundation of new reality
💫 Go to your Spiritual Gym
You Have to practice
Get your mind in shape.
💫Invest in your greatness
💫 If you want your growth or personal development or journey to be painless,
you’re not serious 💥
💫The Real Pain is Keeping It Small and NOT Living the Life You Want To Live
Thank You Jen, For walking in the steps before us. For Crotch, and the Shitty Car, and taking out that Extra Credit Card when you were already maxed out to get your own first Real Coach.
For Being Badass.

#bebadass #youareabadass #youareabadasseveryday #personaldevelopment #nonfiction #rdu #quailridgebookstore #makeaplan #decide #createyourlife #youhaveachoice #booknerd #raedunn #loveyourself #meditation #riseandthrive #goals #priorities #success #timingiseverything #takerisks #Awareness #respond #believe #universe #embrace #mindset #anxiety #mentalhealth #confidence #healthyhabits #spiritualgym #levelup #highfrequency #TakeAction #themoreyouknow