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Embrace | Overcome | Create Your Life 

  • Writer's pictureTerri K. Lankford, LPCS

Any Questions?

Welcome to the final part of our “first time therapy” series! Throughout the series, we’ve talked about:

  • How you know you may want to see a therapist, and how to find a therapist in part one,

  • Documentation, goal-setting, and confidentiality in part two, and

  • Building trust and working towards goals in part three.

In the fourth installation in our series, we’ll talk about some follow-up questions you may have regarding therapy. What does my therapist think about me? Is therapy the final cure? What the heck am I supposed to talk about the whole time?!

Read on to learn the answer to some of these common questions!

What should I talk about?

It's important to remember that therapy is a safe and confidential space where you can discuss anything that's on your mind. While it may be difficult to know where to start, it can be helpful to think about what's been troubling you or causing you stress lately. You can also talk to your therapist about your goals for therapy and what you hope to accomplish. Additionally, your therapist may ask you questions to help guide the conversation and explore your thoughts and feelings. It's okay if you don't have all the answers or if you're not sure what to say. Your therapist is there to support and help you, and the more you communicate with them, the more they can assist you in achieving your goals.

Do therapists judge their clients?

It’s natural to experience some feelings about spilling your heart out to, let’s be honest, a stranger! You may find yourself worrying about being judged by their therapist or fearing that their therapist will think poorly of them. It's important to remember that therapists are trained professionals who are there to support and help you without judgment. They are not there to criticize or condemn you, but rather to help you navigate any challenges you may be facing. Therapy is a collaborative process, and your therapist will work with you to create a safe and supportive environment where you can express your thoughts and feelings without fear of judgment. If you feel uncomfortable or judged by your therapist, it's important to communicate your concerns with them. A good therapist will listen to your concerns and work with you to address them, so that you can get the most out of your therapy sessions.

Do therapists talk about what we talk about outside of session?

It's natural to have concerns about confidentiality when starting therapy, especially if you're sharing personal and sensitive information with your therapist. However, it's important to know that therapists are legally and ethically bound to keep your information confidential. This means that they cannot share anything you discuss in therapy with anyone else, unless you give them permission to do so. There are a few exceptions to this rule, such as if your therapist believes you are at risk of harming yourself or others, or if they are required to disclose information by law. However, in most cases, what you say in therapy stays in therapy.

How do I know therapy is working for me?

The answer to this question can vary depending on individual circumstances, but some signs that therapy is working may include feeling more in control of your emotions, developing healthier coping mechanisms, improved communication and relationships with others, and a greater sense of self-awareness. It's important to keep in mind that therapy is a process, and progress may not always be linear.

Will therapy fix everything going wrong in my life?

Wouldn’t that be wonderful? While therapy can be an effective treatment for many mental health conditions, it's important to understand that there is no cure-all for mental health. Mental health concerns can be complex and multifaceted, and it often takes a combination of modalities that include therapy, possible supplementation, and lifestyle changes to manage symptoms that feel distressing to you. It's also important to work closely with your therapist and other healthcare providers to develop an individualized treatment plan that meets your specific needs and goals. With the right combination of treatments and support, it is possible to manage symptoms and lead a values-driven life.

We hope this blog post filled you in on some common concerns first-time therapy goers have! If you want to try it yourself, we’d be happy to help you along the way. At Rise and Thrive, getting started with us is easy. Reach out today to see if we’d be a fit! We look forward to hearing from you.




Welcome to Embrace | Overcome | Create Your Life.


I’m Terri Kiser Lankford, owner of the Rise & Thrive Counseling Practice, a Licensed Professional Counselor Supervisor (in NC), and the host here at Rise & Thrive Counseling, PLLC and the Embrace| Overcome|CreateYourLife Blog.


I’m also an entrepreneur, Syltherin, foodie on a fitness journey, complete book nerd, photography novice who happens to think music is life. 


Warning! This site is about motivation, health & wellness, and self love.  but its also about various mental health issues and may talk about subjects such as suicide, self-harm and other touchy subjects at some point. This site is not intended for youth and may be “too much” to some.


Nothing on this site should be considered a medical recommendation. I am not a doctor. Anything of interest should be discussed with your doctor or therapist, or me (in person) if you are my current client.  No guarantee of accuracy is expressed or implied. (Sorry, I have to say that.)


All writing and mental health information here are accurate to the best of my knowledge at the time of publication. However, keep in mind my opinion, and available information, changes over time.

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